Why Was E3 Canceled? It Wasn’t, It Was Killed By Corporations

E3 is dead. Again. Probably this time forever, Given the circumstances. Many people have many emotions – it’s a strange thing for ordinary people to have, because this an industry fair— but one thing we must remember throughout all the raves and dunks is that E3 didn’t mismanage the path to oblivion. His death was exactly what the world’s biggest video game companies wanted.

Yes, whoever organized the show had its own problems. Downtown Los Angeles sucks. The show’s focus on industry alone has given it a shine that has always been a bit too much. uncomfortable is around. He’s never been able to figure out whether he wanted to be a trade show for developers and retailers or an announcement fest for the world’s media. Downtown Los Angeles wretched.

It was none of this that started killing the show. The kind of things that readers/watchers from home wouldn’t care about in the least were uncomfortable things for those who attended. E3, it started to die out when big companies like Nintendo and Sony started to reduce or withdraw their presence there, and this had nothing to do with the limited dining options around the Los Angeles Convention Center.

From platform owners to major publishers, these companies are real stars Much of the E3 experience wasn’t really presenters at a trade show. They were gladiators. At its peak – when you consider that in various locations and decades – E3 only lasted a few days, but then hundreds of From new hardware to AAA announcements, many important announcements would be made, each vying for the public’s attention. If there was one thing that defined E3 beyond “press conferences” it would be that every event and every show has its own list of “winners” and “losers”, drawn up by forum posters and international media alike. The “winners” may enjoy the victory and capitalize on it for more exposure and sales, while the “losers” may fade into oblivion.

Why would any big company want to risk becoming a gladiator? Why would they look to a scenario where the success of their billion-dollar business could be threatened if some kids decide that a game trailer or a new hardware feature is “meh”? Why sit down with the gaming press and answer questions when they can only send out press releases?

It’s no surprise that big companies bailing him out killed him at E3. Surprisingly, it didn’t happen much sooner! As we’ve said before, there’s nothing big video game companies love more than being able to control the entire selling process., from announcement to pre-order. Anything standing in the way of these sales is a hurdle to overcome, and so if E3 presents the risk of their game being overshadowed by its competitors, then of course they would walk away, and once enough companies get away the show will never survive.

They no longer have to pay for big E3 press conferences, they can simply film their own presentation and show it on a day without competing news. They don’t need to circulate journalists for three days to answer any questions they may be asked. now and again They get annoyed when they can get influencers to exaggerate their games live on Twitch and YouTube. And every time they do, the incentive to pre-order their products from their own online store is usually not far away. The feeding ramp is polished like a mirror.



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