The Sims 4 Adds Vitiligo Skin Options in Free Update

A new free update for Sims 4EA’s hugely popular life sim has added cosmetic options to the game that let you give your Sims vitiligo skin patches and patterns. EA brought in world-famous model Winnie Harlow to celebrate this amazing addition.

Vitiligo is an autoimmune disease This often causes some areas of a person’s skin to lose pigmentation. This leads to the recognizable, lighter-colored skin patches and patches that often appear in people with vitiligo. Patches can appear anywhere on the body, including the face and hands. While in the past people with the condition were shunned or mistreated, attitudes have thankfully changed in recent times, so people with vitiligo are more likely to be accepted. And new Sims 4 The update will help more people learn about the condition and allow those with the condition to better represent themselves in the game.

In a blog post dated February 13EA announced its latest update Sims 4has added a number of vitiligo skin options – which are now live. Impressively, developers and artists have included tons of possible options for players to choose from for different parts of their digital character’s body, allowing them to potentially match (or at least get pretty close) to their own skin patterns.

“When it comes to Vitiligo simsWe knew we wanted to start by providing a set of patterns that showed different levels of coverage and symmetry,” EA said in the blog post. “In our research, we found that depigmentation can have distinct edges, and some edges can be darker and uneven. The affected skin may be completely white or may be pink or lighter in tone than the surrounding skin.

EA also made sure its patterns and options would work on every available skin tone, as vitiligo affects people of all ethnicities and skin types. Sims 4. As a result, more people will be able to represent themselves more accurately in one of the world’s most popular games, and that’s a great thing.


To help celebrate the launch of this update and new skin options, EA Partnered with Winnie HarlowA model with vitiligo. He is also an avid Sims player.

“It’s fascinating to see Sims 4 team introduces this new Vitiligo feature,” said Harlow. “I spent a lot of time playing games as a kid sims and I think it’s great that you can represent your true self in the game. “This partnership is a powerful statement that encourages players to embrace what makes them unique, both in game and in real life.”

Here’s EA’s FAQ with more information about this new update and how the skin options work in-game:

Can I choose the color of my Sim’s Vitiligo?

Not really. While all patterns contrast greatly with your Sim’s skin, the exact color of Vitiligo spots depends on the hue and tone of the skin tone you choose. If you change a warm skin tone to a cool skin tone, the color of the Vitiligo reflects this.

Can I change my Sim’s Vitiligo pattern? Or can I add or remove it later?

Yes, you can go back to Create-A-Sim and change, add or remove any Vitiligo pattern from the Skin Details section.

Can the shape of a Sim’s pattern change depending on their body?

Yes. Skin Details will adjust some depending on where you stretch or move your skin or body parts. If you enlarge a Sim’s nose and there is a Vitiligo patch on it, the patch will change with it.

Will vitiligo affect my Sim during gameplay?

No. Like the Birthmarks feature, Vitiligo patterns will not have any impact on gameplay.

Can Vitiligo be layered with other Skin Details?

Vitiligo can be layered with all Face and Body details except Birthmarks. You can also use Tattoos and Body Hairs with them.

Why can’t Vitiligo coexist with Birthmarks?

Vitiligo uses the same technology as Birthmarks, so they will act in the same way. You can’t layer multiple Birthmarks, and they don’t automatically switch between frames (young to older, feminine to masculine). As long as young people use the same framework, they will maintain the same Skin Details for the rest of their lives.

Does Vitiligo affect the color of my Sim’s Body Hair?

No. We hope to address Vitiligo’s ability to affect hair color in the future, but right now vitiligo will only apply to skin.



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