The Last Of Us TV Show Takes The Game To The Next Level

Joel looks out of a doorway, gun in hand.  Ellie looks right behind her.

picture: HBO / Kotaku

Apperantly I was too quick to judge HBOs what’s left of us. While the first four episodes certainly caught my attention as well-written and delightfully shot prestige television, I was a little disappointed that the adaptive process of turning the game into a show had left out re-creations of a particular episode so far. unforgettable action sequences from the game. Well, with the fifth episode of the first episode, “Stay and Survive” (but not the last) season what’s left of usThe show revealed that it could do more than just adapt the action of the video game and, in some cases, do a better job with it.

Adapted hit PlayStation 3 game of the same name, what’s left of us‘ has gripping, character-driven plot, as well as tense, deadly, moment-to-moment combat encounters. The player, as Joel, must both overcome hostile humans and become infected with a combination of stealth, firearms and crudely improvised weapons. For the first four episodes, HBO’s adaptation it mostly prioritized story elements, in some cases choosing not to recreate memorable action sequences or highlight unique, crafted props like the one we’ve seen in the game. It makes sense for the television to focus on the actors and the story, but so far I’ve noticed that the main action component of the show that I loved so much was missing, not just because I watched the game, play IT.

Read more: what’s left of us The Show Could Be Better If It Was More Like The Game

there is a reason what’s left of us appears on our list best action games you can play it this year with a slower rhythm than you’d find in something like Naughty Dog’s other new series, undiscoveredand emphasis on survival, what’s left of us A game injects tight, intense action sequences throughout the narrative, reminding you that while it may seem like everything is under your control while the narrative is shut down, you’re never actually safe in its deadly world. It’s been pulled from under you and you have to deal with a situation in the here and now. Things get messy and someone dies.

Our action game list highlighted the sequel, Part II, with a little more flexibility with more options for how you approach and respond to various situations. But the sequel follows what the first game already did so well: forgive the cliché, moments when the apocalypse breaks out and you have to respond. Immediately. It’s definitely a stress-inducing action, but dammit, is that a thrill?

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The first game”upside down shooting sequence for “Bill’s Town” level The beautiful story of Bill and Frank We entered third part of the showI was beginning to worry that HBO’s TV adaptation would continue to leave out other, more explosive sequences instead of trying to convey the immediacy of the game’s action to the screen. But here we are with the suburban sniper sequence of episode five. Not only does this gripping scene translate the game’s action particularly well, it does so with a narrative overhaul that makes the carnage even more intense.

Joel hangs upside down in a garage while aiming a gun at infected enemies.

Screenshot: Sony / Kotaku

Read more: what’s left of us Fans Create Incredible Bill And Frank Fan Art

Just like in the game, Joel and Ellie teamed up with Henry and Sam. This time, however, Henry and Sam’s situation is a little more urgent. As the leader of a revolutionary force, Kathleen obsessively wishes Henry to die for his role in her brother’s death. As in the game, Joel, Ellie, Henry and Sam must travel from car to car through an abandoned suburban street to avoid being shot by a sniper who is looking into the area.

The TV show leaves a touch of this script, as does the game. First of all, Joel does not face additional enemy forces as he approaches the sniper’s nest. And when Joel tackles the sniper, it becomes clear that this person belongs to the revolutionaries in Kansas City (the game’s parallel version of these events takes place in Pittsburgh and does not include Kathleen or any of the revolutionaries introduced in chapter 4). This is one of the improvements the series has made over the original game, something the sequel has also worked harder to achieve: giving enemies faces, complex motivations and identities.

Read more: The Last of Us Part 4 Summary: Back to the Familiar

But first we need to talk about the sound design in the sniper sequence. While the show has caught my ear before (especially the frustrating but satisfying ambient music, Joel, Ellie and Tess go up the stairs second part museum is one such example), I’m unhealthy obsessed with the gunshots in this scene. The sharp and piercing shot of the sniper rifle is followed by a moment of silence that can engulf the universe, followed by a timeless whisper of air and sensual percussions on the trunks and windows of cars. Satisfying explosions that turn into powerful resounds, sharp glass shatters…heavy metal bands will spend their entire careers trying to deliver something extremely beautiful and devastating at the same time. This is happiness.

The sounds are cute as special effects and creations on their own, but the effect really drew me in with the kind of intimacy in video games and especially the kind of intimacy this show is based on. The scene that reflects this in the video game is an example, but the second half The Last Part II it also has a similar sniper scenario. The action from start to finish is successfully brought to life on screen, with the threat of violence pushing you back. But we’re not done yet.

Pedro Pascal as Joel in HBO's The Last of Us holds a sniper rifle.

Screenshot: HBO

As in the game, Joel eventually makes his way to the top of the sniper’s nest, eliminating the shooter and must get behind the scope as enemy human forces advance. In the show, an impersonal enemy gang replaced with new character Kathleen along with his forces, he seeks vengeance. Joel must do a few needle-thread shots, one of which is recreated from the game: Hitting the driver of an enemy vehicle as the camera goes behind the rifle’s scope. And yes, like in the game, that car crashes into a house… a house that awaits a surprise.

Read more: Who Are Kathleen and Perry on HBO? what’s left of us?

The TV show’s vehicle changes direction and crashes to the right. Crashes left in game; This mirror image of recreated scenes seems to be a common element of the show. Joel and Sarah flipped over their positions on the couch. opening part; The “I’m sure you’ll figure this out” dialogue line, where Joel asks Ellie what she should do while she’s asleep in the first episode, sees the couch she’s lying on flipped across the room.

And while an infected cluster eventually floods the street in the game, it’s quite different in the series. Here, the emergence of a swarm of infected from the underground serves as the payoff for some great foreshadowing in the previous episode and earlier scenes in this episode where we learn that FEDRA chases all the infected underground as a way to “fix” the disease. problem. It’s clear that this is something that will reoccur to cause a problem. And in this scene, when you see that truck crash into the house… you know what’s coming, and the arrogance that drove Kathleen to such extremes will soon pay the price.

Melanie Lynskey as Kathleen stands with burning debris behind her in a scene from HBO's The Last of Us.

Screenshot: HBO

Shattering the calm frenzy of Kathleen’s nearsighted quest for revenge, the falling truck and the chorus of screams and roars from the sickly crowd she unleashed is a powerful release that saves us from the bewilderment of trying to follow Kathleen’s justification for brutality. We barely have time to digest the lines of bloodlust, for the long-buried anger of the infected overwhelms all, the great equalizer that sees no one safe and needs no justification for its wrath and violence. At the end of this scene, I felt an instinctive urge to let go of the remote and breathe. Except there is no controller.

The sniper scenario of the fifth part not only adapts an important action sequence of the game, it makes the game better. Progress is tighter, more intense. The narrative wrap draws you into what’s at stake much more satisfyingly and deserves the zombie gang scene. This is the kind of game sequence adaptation I’ve been waiting for on HBO’s show, and it didn’t disappoint. Until next time, I’ll go and see if Whole Foods has any crows.



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