That Sad Zelda Trailer Was Based On A Japanese Amazon Review

As reported at the time, the creators of the ad were inspired, first of all, by an Amazon review left below the game’s predecessor. Breath of the Wild. Written by a Japanese user, it told the story of a “working adult” who spends his days “clearly wondering why I’m still alive”.

Rediscover your sense of adventure with The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom

I am a working adult, a so-called businessman. The suburban hustle and bustle pushes me around, giving in to customers and bosses, being forced to train junior staff and doing a lot of things, and I end up working overtime every day. Even the mountain that I see on the way to work and whose name I don’t even know makes me sick to my stomach. When I get home I feel dizzy and don’t have the energy to eat, so I just drink alcohol and sleep. If I have time to play games, I have to go to seminars or find a mate, which is making me more impatient than I should be. I obviously spend my days wondering why I’m still alive.

After running out of alcohol, I went to buy alcohol and saw that the Switch was on sale in stores. Then I remembered the day. When I was a kid and really loved Mario 64, my friend said, “Mario is lame to play these days! It’s PlayStation age now!” and embarrassed. At the time, I didn’t want my friend to dislike me, so I said, “Yeah, you’re right. Mario is already outdated!”

The beauty of FF7 at that time and the shock of being able to listen to the CD on TV… The new generation of children may not understand these feelings. It was so attractive and innovative for kids back then.

I’m still not sure why I bought the Switch at the time. I just held a beer in one hand and bought the console and Zelda thinking I could sell it if it was boring.

Yesterday on my workday, I looked out of the train window at a mountain I didn’t even know and thought, “As if I could climb this.” At that moment, I burst into tears and couldn’t help myself. Businessmen the same age as me, “What is this guy?” they must have thought.

Even if everyone hates you, I recommend it to all my businessmen who have limited time and strive day after day to maintain the status quo. Don’t tell me this is just a game. We were born in the golden age of video games. Have you ever seen your family move their whole body when Mario jumps? Remember playing Mario Kart or Smash Bros. with friends who brought their own controllers? Have you ever discussed Chrono Trigger or FF7 strategies with your friends? I know now. When I was a kid, my parents bought me expensive consoles and software for my birthday, Christmas and stuff. My family, who was constantly nagging me, managed to raise money from the living budget to buy me expensive games.

I was touched because I realized too late many things that I couldn’t notice due to the intensity of living my own life. I should have been more adopted.

The 5-star reviews are all good, so nothing to talk about for me at the moment. This Zelda gives me the “challenge and reward” I forgot. I can freely explore the world without maps, it’s an exciting adventure experience. People my age are sick every day to get over it tomorrow. But don’t give up hope on your life. The adventure I wanted was in such a place.

PS I want to thank this Zelda and apologize to the Mario 64 development team and Nintendo. I’d like to apologize for the lies I told that day, even though I loved Mario 64, it was old-fashioned. I am sincerely looking forward to the release of Mario Odyssey this winter.

Note, May 7: After 180 hours of gameplay, “all of my memory” came back and I saw the end. More than anything, I want to thank everyone who read my terrible, long, complex and embarrassing review that was emotionally written. I want to thank everyone who rated it as “helpful”, not just for reading it. I’ve never been appreciated by so many people, even at my job. I really enjoyed my 180 hours running around Hyrule. I want to thank not only Nintendo but all Zelda fans who continue to support Zelda. Thank you for a great adventure.

Despite all the similarities between this guy’s story and the commercial, the part where he apologizes for dumping Mario in the face of a PlayStation ad campaign — I did something similar. sonic 3 my friends playing WipeOut—hit difficult.



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