The Password Game is a Perfect Re-creation of Online Dystopia

Some password hell

Indie developer Neal Agarwal, better known as, it makes very small but also very good video games. his last, Password Gameis a perfect example: it takes the hell out of finding a password for an app or site’s account and somehow turns it into something as far from hell as possible.

It starts out like the worst part of all account creation: asking you to create a password. The password you just selected does not have enough capital letters. Then there are not enough special characters. Then it’s not long enough. Then too long. And he didn’t tell you any of this from the start, he just thought you’d understand. To know.

“Let Google choose your password then why are you complaining about a little video game on a blog” Ok sure but most of the time Google saves it with wrong username added or weird app URL doesn’t match name of company/site and saved even finding the password again is a pain in the ass and basically all I want to say is I would laugh at my parents for writing down all their internet passwords in a real notebook. But now I see that maybe they were right from the start.

ANYWAY, sorry, no Google/saving drama has been added in this game, but it definitely handles the password generation process in a much cleaner and more concise way than this post can handle; Take a few moments today—and it’s playable in a browser, so you can do it while you’re at work—you can check it here.



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