One of the First Nintendo GameCube Consoles Found

For longtime Nintendo fans and video game historians, few public events have been as memorable as Space World 2000, which first revealed the GameCube and its library of games and a divisive debate. Zelda demo—to the world.

Released from 1989-2001, Space World was basically a cross between E3 and Nintendo Directs. A live event held annually in Japan, it was home to all sorts of big announcements and announcements, and 2000 was one of Nintendo’s biggest as it showcased both the Game Boy Advance for the first time. And GameCube.

Just look at this Amazing Millennial Shit:

Nintendo GameCube announced @Spaceworld 2000 – they no longer announce consoles like this

Nintendo not only unveiled the console itself, they also showed off a number of games and concepts for the GameCube, some of which will appear as games later, and others…like a notorious Zelda demo that angered some corners of the fanbase– Impossible.

[HQ] Nintendo Spaceworld 2000 GameCube Extended Demos: Zelda, Mario, Metroid, Banjo, Meowth and more

For Nintendo fans, this show has been a big deal and may well be one of the company’s most important events in terms of influence and legacy. non-stop, so you can understand that people have a certain level of attachment to everything associated with it. That’s why some people were excited at the news that one of the GameCubes on show this week has been secured by a collector.

Console variants ‘Donny Fillerup—Who can you remember from the Queen’s Golden Wii?— recently warned about the sale of a very strange GameCube prototype, an object collector has been trying for a while. year capture. It was one of the consoles presented at Space World 2000, so ahead of its time that it wasn’t even a console.

Since Space World 2000 took place in August and the console didn’t go on sale until late 2001, the GameCubes at the event were just shells. The actual demos that were running were supported by the development hardware, as is often the case with events like this.

The shells were there though, and it didn’t matter if they actually worked, they were still their first look at one of the weirdest and most beloved little consoles in the world, and so they’re understandably valuable to collectors. their hearts even if they can’t actually play games.

Space World GameCube alongside a Space World controller

Donny grabbed the console and ton your photos, which indicates there are only a few pieces of electronics inside, mostly there to power the LED lights that come on as part of the presentation. But it’s still an interesting GameCube to see, because its exterior has been fully noticed, giving us a chance to see the console in its gestation period when everything was nailed and set in stone.

While at first glance it might seem the same as a retail unit, this Space World console actually has tons of minor differences; It’s the kind of stuff you’d expect as engineers work in the process of turning a sketch and prototype into something mass produced and sold. . So the inside of the lid is a different design, the lower part of the console everything is slightly different in size and the vents on the side are a different design.

It’s not earth-shattering then, but that’s not the charm here. Sometimes it’s nice to know that an important piece of video game history is in good hands and we can all make it a success. real Take a good look at it to make small (but still interesting!) observations like this one. IIf you’d like to see more photos, including tons of comparisons between the Space Earth shell and a retail unit, You should check out Consolevariation’s gallery.



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